Sunday, October 28, 2012

Make it all alive!

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Tuesday 6 Nov – Coming together and pulling apart, which is which? Why care? 
Hewitt: Part II: pick 4 of 7 

Coalitions happen on the ground with activists, how do activists work with other activisms? What are the difficulties involved? 

Thursday 8 Nov – What is connected and how? Think complexly about people and our worlds 
Berger: Part III: pick 2 of 5 from the section on methodological innovations

Come with ideas and questions that look ahead to our workshop. 

HOW DO WE THINK OF EACH OF THESE COLLECTIONS AS A "COLLECTIVE"? IN WHAT WAYS ARE THEY LIKE AND UNLIKE THE BWHC? How do they use, understand, take for granted, or demonstrate "feminist generations"? Why could this matter? 


how does each essay enter into this project as a member of this collective?
how do you enter into coalition yourself with this project?

from Davis:

"As a feminist epistemological project, the aim of OBOS is to create critical knowledge and knowledge practices that can empower women individually and collectively" (Davis, p. 142.)

"How does OBOS--which is, after all, just a book--produce readers who are prepared to become embodied, critical, epistemic agents able to participate in a feminist politics of health? In other words, how does OBOS transform its readers into feminist subjects?" (Davis, p. 142.)

"OBOS creates readers who are prepared to use their embodied experiences as a knowledge resource in the process of gathering and critically assess information about their bodies and health. . . .this politics of knowledge, mutually enacted in the interactions between the text and its readers that accounts not only for the broad appeal of OBOS but also for its capacity to transform its readers into critical feminist subjects" (Davis, p. 165.)


Browse Feminist Studies  journal home  history  editors  
=Volume 28 > Issue 2 (Summer 2002) 
=Volume 35 > Issue 2 (Summer 2009)  
=Volume 25 > Issue 1 (Spring 1999)  
=Volume 26 > Issue 1 (Spring 2000) 

=BWA 2002 
=W&SM 13/1 2009 (links to Vol 16) 
=Meridians 8/1 2008  journal home  editorial collectives  

=FS: Volume 9 > Issue 1 (Spring 1983)  
=EJWS: 13/3 2006  


Tuesday 30 Oct – Make it all alive! These are people! How do you come to care about them?
• Hewitt: Part I: pick 3 of the 5 chapters in this section to read, be prepared to discuss why you chose the ones you did

How does Hewitt talk about traveling knowledges? How does travel across time compare to travel across space and geopolitical location? How can you compare what Hewitt does with what Davis does? With what Berger and Guidroz do? How are these epistemological projects similar and different?

Thursday 1 Nov – Not just words on a page! People live in worlds! Connect yours here too!
• Berger: Part II: pick 2 of the 4 chapters in this section to read, be prepared to discuss why you chose the ones you did

Although you pick only 2 of these, look at all of them enough to compare the approaches they take, and to consider the disciplines they come from. How might that matter? 


4: "Activists thus highlight their distinctiveness from -- and often superiority to -- previous feminist movements in the process of constituting themselves as the next wave." 
[KK: yes, but it should also be said that generational hierarchies of supposedly knowing things better exist as well!] 

How do "waves" and "generations" compare, converge, or divide? 

Look at Wikipedia's timeline of key events in the second wave (scroll down to see it). 
Wikipedia on the third wave.  
Wikipedia on the first wave
Which parts of the world are centered in these?
Wikipedia's Portal: Feminism  
Wikipedia's Feminism by country   

What about feminist generations? 
Symposium on inter- and transgenerational feminisms 
Call for papers by Feminist Memory    
Nancy Whittier's book & KK's handout on generations  

All six volumes of Stanton and Anthony's History of Woman Suffrage are available free as ebooks online. See Google books and Project Gutenberg. 


Recall Yuval-Davis' point: (54): “social divisions, such as those relating to membership in particular castes or status as indigenous or refugee  people, tend to affect fewer people globally. At the same time, for those who are affected by these and other social divisions not mentioned here, such social  divisions are crucial and necessitate struggle to render them visible. This is, therefore, a case where recognition - of social power axes, not of social identities - is of crucial political importance.”

power: macro-, meso-, micro-political (fr structure to interpersonal interaction) [Foucault, biopower]
structure: longer term, more stable, affect most, mostly at macro-political levels and layers [Marx, social structure]


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