Tuesday 18 Sept – Sharing is Daring: when knowledge travels what happens?
• Zandt, ch 5 and the rest of it; • Davis, ch 2 (Notice what you need to do for Thursday. Maybe do it now?)
Global feminism? one or many? what are the goals of feminist practice? Who is going to share what, where and how?
And how does web research itself figure into all of this? What does web research add to what we can know ABOUT Zandt and Davis themselves? To what we can know about their projects as we see them in these book objects? To what we can know about HOW they think as well as WHAT they think?
And how does web research itself figure into all of this? What does web research add to what we can know ABOUT Zandt and Davis themselves? To what we can know about their projects as we see them in these book objects? To what we can know about HOW they think as well as WHAT they think?
• How do you locate Zandt's website? Davis'? How current are they? What does this tell you? Consider:
- What is this information on the web?
- Who made it?
- What is it for?
- Who is using it and why?
- What this all means! What do Zandt and Davis have to tell us that helps us understand what we have found?
- What does all this tell you about the work of both Zandt and Davis?
- How does doing web work help you think about what it might mean to look at Zandt’s work through Davis’ eyes, or Davis’ work through Zandt’s eyes?
=what goes in the logbook? what will help you most? what will allow you and Katie to be on the same page? what will help you plan and read ahead?
=taking notes from the web: websites, wikipedia, hyperlinks, vids and other media: How is this the same as reading? how is it different?
With a partner make some notes on the following:
• What kinds of records will help you keep track of what you need to do for class: each class, each week, for each project, for graded assignments, over the course of the term?
• What kinds of records will help you keep track of web research?
• What kinds of records will help you keep track of library research? How are these two the same? different?
Why do we use footnotes? How do they place us in networks of trust and of
sharing knowledges? What might feminists in particular think about when they look deeply into citation and its record-keeping? Some thoughts we want to consider as we consider how feminists share trust and knowledge:
From a scholarly collective blog on doing history, a contributor post: "On Footnotes and Doing History" by Lisa Clark Diller: [bold emphasis is mine, for your particular attention] "Who we think it important to cite, what range of sources were important (or available) at the time, and the family of historiographical ancestors we choose for ourselves all reveal our location in time and situate us on an ideological map.
"Footnotes reveal our technical proficiency, but they do so within a particular context. While in grad school, I can remember discounting entire volumes of historical research because the footnotes were so 'thin.' And one of my advisors at the University of Chicago would warn us to look with grave suspicion on any early modernist who cited too many printed sources. I’m less puritanical in my standards now. And [Anthony] Grafton [1999. The Footnote: A curious history. Harvard] has reminded me that: 'No accumulation of footnotes can prove that every statement in the text rests on an unassailable mountain of attested facts. Footnotes exist, rather, to perform two other functions. First, they persuade: they convince the reader that the historian has done an acceptable amount of work . . . . Second, they indicate the chief sources that the historian has actually used” (22). [in other words, create trust and authority.]
"We sometimes still operate under the assumption that if we have all the 'original sources' our argument will be solid. But what makes history interesting is all the various interpretations that we can develop from the same sources. It is part of why we revisit the same problems over and over again. Interpretation as well as sources give each of us our originality. This is decidedly not the same thing as saying that any interpretation of the documents is as good as another, but it is what keeps me from reading a scholarly tome and thinking that because the footnotes took up 37% of each page I read, no one need any longer do research on that subject. Grafton also reminded me to be careful in judging the scholarship of an earlier generation by the type or quantity of footnotes.
"As I sweat through proper citation of digital works and decide how much to include or exclude from my own footnotes, I am glad to remember that this process isn’t simply about showing off my guild credentials. It’s also a way to 'out' myself regarding my priorities and methods. The evidence I use won’t be considered equally sufficient for all time; but then again, I don’t expect to answer historical questions and decide their significance once and for all.
"The footnote reminds me of the time-laden nature of my queries and verifications." [1]
Dilller, Lisa Clark. 2010. "On Footnotes and Doing History." The Historical Society [Website] 22 December. Retrieved 11 Feb 2011 at http://histsociety.blogspot.com/2010/12/on-footnotes-and-doing-history.html
searching for citation formats on the web? • Google it! • How they do it at The Feminist Press. • How they do it at Feminist Studies.
what about making research posters? • Google it!
how can citations demonstrate the traveling knowledges of feminists? what sorts of citations would make visible or clarify transnational feminisms on the web? how do citations participate in the sharing of transdisciplinary knowledges?
• WMST (Transforming Scholarship: Berger & Radeloff), preface, intro., chs 3 & 4
How do pictures matter in doing research and in sharing it? What are data visualizations, have you used them before?
Web Action 3
• WMST (Transforming Scholarship: Berger & Radeloff), chs 5 & 6
• [note for the next class (when Katie gets back): read ahead in Berger's collection The Intersectional Approach, and pick 2 issues to do serious web research about. Be sure you spend at least as much time doing all this as you ordinarily do reading for class.]
Today as a class you get to run the show: decide what in WMST (Transforming Scholarship: Berger & Radeloff) helps you think through where you are in women’s studies now. What are your plans? How does women’s studies help you as you reflect on your life and your future? What will you be doing next?